Human and organisational factors are now clearly recognised: the focus is on promoting safer behaviours at every level of the organisation, as part of an overall, performance-oriented approach. However, the resources needed to influence the work carried out by humans remain to be understood, so what levers are available?
While the traditional, individual approach remains relevant, it is insufficient in the long term. A community approach is essential for stabilising and anchoring a true safety culture – and the only way to influence long-term behaviours.
Work situations affect behaviour, and their components can be tailored to foster an environment that supports safety. Teams can act as a vector for cultivating values that encourage solidarity and collaboration. At the executive level, managers can set an example and have a strong influence on all of the other factors. For example, recognition is a source of motivation and encourages staff commitment.
Safety is therefore a strategic lever to improve results in the areas of health, quality, and productivity.